Size Guide
Clean Heels Heel Stoppers come in 3 sizes, petite, small & medium. Our Heel Stoppers are made from a soft, pliable material which means it will stretch tightly onto your heel but never damage the heel itself.
Please read below to find out a little more about how to measure your heel to get the perfect fit! Please contact us if you have any questions, we are more than happy to help.
How to measure your heels
Turn the shoe over and measure the widest part of the flat D shape heel tip. This can be back to front, left to right or diagonally, so long as it is the widest part of the heel tip.
Example - if your heel measurement is 1cm then go for the Small. The tubes are flexible so they will stretch a little.
Petite - actual size 0.6cm - stretch to size 0.9cm
Small - actual size 0.9cm - stretch to size 1.2cm
Medium - actual size 1.2cm - stretch to size 1.5cm
Kitten Heels - You can cut the top off the tube to shorten the tube to get the heel stopper on easier.